The Alabama Standard Lease Agreement creates a legally binding commitment for a person to rent a property for a decided term and accepted rental payment. The leasing paperwork executes the arrangement and maps out the conditions of the understanding. Specifics outlining names and addresses of the tenant and landlord, lease term, monthly compensation amount, and security deposit sum are accounted for within the contract. When taking on the responsibility associated with leasing a property, it is vital to have both the lessor and lessee on the same page concerning the inherent obligations of the commitment. Once discussed and narrowed-down, the negotiated terms can be applied to the document to reflect the promises made by both parties. The participating individuals can then sign in the allotted space to verify the information and solidify the agreement to the contents of the written record.
Other Versions
Alabama Standard Lease Agreement – Version 1
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Alabama Standard Lease Agreement – Version 2
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Alabama Standard Lease Agreement – Version 3
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Alabama Association of Realtors Residential Rental Agreement
Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)
National Apartment Association Alabama Apartment Lease Contract
Download: Adobe PDF