The Alaska firearm (gun) bill of sale form is a written agreement that registers all the information relevant to a transaction taking place between two consenting parties. In this instance, the transaction is specific to the sale of a firearm. The individuals involved must disclose the requested data and sign the document under the supervision of a notary public, who will then validate the form is approved. It is suggested that the seller review the state’s gun laws to make sure that the buyer is legally authorized to own a firearm.
How to Register a Gun
Alaska is one of the many states that does not mandate the registering of firearms/guns. In fact, it is illegal for any district within Alaska to enforce such a law. Alaska is considered one of the most unrestrictive states when it comes to gun regulations, not requiring any type of license and allowing any eligible person who is 21 or older the right to carry without a permit. Although it is not required in Alaska, an ACHP (Alaska Concealed Handgun Permit) is available if you would like to take advantage of the reciprocity agreements shared with multiple states. This basically implies that certain participating states will recognize the permit enabling you to legally carry your firearm in that particular state. (In order to apply for this permit, you must be in accordance with AS 18.65.705)
How to Obtain a Concealed Carry Permit
If you have been a resident of Alaska for at least 90 days and would like to acquire a permit to carry, appear in person to one of the following agencies located within your borough:
- Local Police Department
- Alaska State Troopers Office
- Alaska Wildlife Troopers Office
And be prepared with the following documentation:
- An Alaska State Form of Identification:
- Driver’s License
- State Issued ID
- A completed Application for a Concealed Handgun Permit (Form 12-299A).
- Paperwork confirming the passing of a state-approved handgun course that was completed within 12 months of applying for the permit.
- A quality photo of the applicant (specifications listed within the form).
- A set of fingerprints administered by an authorized individual/agency (guidelines included within the form).
- Payment of $88.25 to satisfy the application fee. This must be made out to the “State of Alaska” and can be paid by:
- Money Order
- Personal Check
- Cashier’s Check
Permits remain valid until the fifth year after issuance on the permittee’s birthday.
How to Write
Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF.
Step 2 – Buyer and Seller Information – The first 2 sections of the form request that the individuals involved in the sale provide the following pertinent details:
- Name
- Mailing Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Driver’s License Number
Step 3 – Description of Firearm – List the required information regarding the firearm being sold:
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Caliber
- Serial Number (SN)
Step 4 – Transaction Details – Insert the following information that has been agreed upon by both parties involved in the sale:
- Purchase Price (in words)
- Purchase Price (in numbers)
- Date of Transaction (month, day, year)
- If the firearm is being traded for another item, check the box and insert a brief description of the arrangement into the available space.
Step 5 – Disclosures – The buyer and seller must each read their designated disclosure. If they proclaim that the statements made within the paragraph are true, they should then provide a signature on the indicated line.
Step 6 – Finalizing the Document – Complete the form by providing the following key factors:
- Seller’s Signature
- Buyer’s Signature
- Witness #1’s Signature
- Witness #2’s Signature
Make sure all the signatures are executed in the presence of a notary public. The authorized agent must then fill out and sign each notarized section.