New Mexico Bill of Sale Forms


The New Mexico bill of sale form proclaims the complexities of the transaction involving a personal item for a monetary interchange to a concrete transcription. The paperwork reports the particulars of the sale including the factors concerning the buyer, seller, property item, and sale provisions. Both parties can then sign the document to solidify the agreement, followed by the exchange of currency for the piece of property.

Bill of Sale Types

Motor Vehicle (DMV) Bill of Sale Form – Develops a summary of the exchange of an automobile for a specific dollar amount.

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Boat (Vessel) Bill of Sale Form – Constructs a written blueprint of the specifics of a sale of a ship.

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Firearm (Gun) Bill of Sale Form -Puts together all pertinent information on the transfer of a gun from one owner to the next.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

Boat (Vessel) Registration Forms

Firearm Registration Forms

New Mexico does not mandate any type of registration for weapons and does not require an individual to procure a permit or license to buy or own. When purchasing a firearm, whether, from an FFL dealer or private party, you will need to pass a background check in order to take the gun into possession. To carry a handgun will necessitate a Concealed Handgun License, available upon application with the following: