South Carolina Bill of Sale Forms


The South Carolina bill of sale form creates an authenticating document to verify, in writing, the events leading up to the exchange of a property item for a monetary amount. This contract functions as certification attesting to the change in ownership of a piece of property upon agreement and endorsement. It can additionally be used down the line as evidence of ownership to eventually register with the governing agencies of the state of South Carolina.

Bill of Sale Types

Motor Vehicle (DMV) Bill of Sale Form – To be utilized when selling or buying a motor vehicle.

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Boat (Vessel) Bill of Sale Form – Authorizes the transfer of a vessel for a predetermined consideration amount.

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Firearm (Gun) Bill of Sale Form – Declares pertinent information surrounding the sale of a firearm.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

Boat (Vessel) Registration Forms

Firearm Registration Forms

South Carolina does not obligate individuals residing in the state to register firearms of any type. Gun owners will not need to gain any license or permit to purchase but must undergo a standard background check to buy from a federally licensed dealer. Open carry of long guns are allowed in warranted areas, but the carry of a handgun, openly or concealed, will require a Concealed Weapon Permit. Applicants may request a permit by mail with the following obtained materials: